Computer Fun for the Whole Family


This BASIC programming eBook is based on the MS-DOS version of the Computer Bible Games which were published by PC ENTERPRISES. in 1986.  A limited 25th Anniversary Edition was printed in 2011 to celebrate the silver anniversary of our original Microsoft BASIC programming textbook.  This limited edition 25th Anniversary book is now Out Of Print and was officially replaced with Computer Bible Games for Microsoft Small Basic in 2010.


The original textbook contained the Microsoft MS-DOS GW-BASIC™ & QuickBasic™ source code for the original Bible Computer Games plus a dozen new games that were developed after Book #2 was published. This BASIC programming book is designed for Christian Middle Schools and High Schools to teach Microsoft GW-BASIC™, or Microsoft QuickBASIC™ programming.  The Bible Computer Games developed by the student in this course can be played by other family members between the ages of 5 and 14.

BASIC Source Code For the Following Computer Bible Games included in Book #3:

ORIGINAL BIBLE COMPUTER GAMES:  Scramble Games, Memory Verse Games, The Quail Game, Moses’ Rod, Noah’s Ark, The Church Growth Game, Heavenly Mansions, The Exodus Game, Manna from Heaven, The Rapture Game, and Daniel & the Lions Den.
NEW COMPUTER BIBLE GAMES FOR BOOK #3: The Lost Coin Game, Elijah and The Ravens, David and the Giants, Journey of the Wise Men, The Sermon on the Mount,  The Sheep and the Goats, The Good Shepherd,  Paul & the Jailor, The Prodical Son Game,  Old Testament Books I & II, New Testament  Books I & II, Bible Books I & II, Bible Who is it, Where is it, and What is it, Bible BAGELS and Bible TOE-TAC-TIC.


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