Entries by BibleByte

Phil Conrod Speaks about Mentoring the Next Generation of Developers at the 2012 CGDC at Cascade College in Portland Oregon

Phil Conrod will be conducting a game development workshop at the 2012 Christian Game Developer’s Conference at Cascade College in Portland Oregon.  The workshop is called “Mentoring the Next Generation of Developers” and will be held on July 21, 2012 at 1:30pm.       Enjoying Philip Conrod's talk – they published their first Computer […]

New Moses Rod 3D Adventure Game Being Developed using Unity 3D & C#

  BibleByte Books & Games ​​is developing a re-imagined 3D version of our original Moses Rod Adventure Game.  Our original Moses Rod Bible Adventure game was a 2D game which we are now updating to 3D using Unity 3D.  You can track our progress on this new C# tutorial chapter here: https://biblebytebooks.com/moses-rod-bible-3d-bible-adventure-game-by-biblebyte-books-and-games/

BibleByte Books Publishes New Computer Bible Games Programming Tutorial For Java!

Learn how to develop Computer Bible Games with Java!  COMPUTER BIBLE GAMES WITH JAVATM  uses Java Swing GUI (graphic user interface) programming concepts while providing detailed step-by-step instructions for building many fun games.  The tutorial is appropriate for both kids and adults.  The games built are non-violent and teach logical thinking skills.  To grasp the […]

BibleByte Books Publishes New Computer Bible Games Programming Tutorial For Microsoft Visual C# Express!

You can now learn how to develop Computer Bible Games with Microsoft Visual C# Express!  COMPUTER BIBLE GAMES  WITH VISUAL C# EXPRESS is a self-paced semester long self-study  “beginning” programming tutorial consisting of 13 Chapters explaining (in simple, easy-to-follow terms) how to build a Visual C#  Windows applications and games. Students learn about project design, the Visual C# toolbox, and […]

BibleByte Books Publishes New Computer Bible Games Programming Tutorial For Microsoft Visual Basic Express

You can now learn how to develop Computer Bible Games using Microsoft Visual Basic!  COMPUTER BIBLE GAMES WITH VISUAL BASIC EXPRESS is a self-paced semester long self-study “beginning” programming tutorial consisting of 13 Chapters explaining (in simple, easy-to-follow terms) how to build a Visual Basic Express Windows applications and games. Students learn about project design, […]

BibleByte Books Launches New Computer Bible Games For Microsoft Small Basic Computer Programming Tutorial!

You can now learn how to program our classic Computer Bible Games using the new Microsoft Small Basic Programming language.  Computer Bible Games for Microsoft Small Basic is designed to help beginner Christian middle-school students understand Small Basic programming concepts while developing “fun and simple” learning games and Computer Bible Games.  Microsoft Small BASIC is a simple BASIC programming environment […]