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Important Visual Studio 2022 + Visual Basic & Visual C# 2022 + Unity 3D News!

For 2022, we have turned all our focus efforts on publishing the Unity 2022 LTS Edition of our Introduction to Unity with C#: The Exodus Adventure.   Unity is the leading Game Engine platform for developing games using C#.   We also plan to release All Episode of our companion Exodus Vigil video game on Steam Early Access later this summer for PC & Mac.   With all the major code changes Microsoft made to the .NET 6 and WinForms 2022 libraries, BibleByte Books has decided to not release a 2022 Edition of our Computer Bible Game with Visual Basic & Visual C# Windows Forms textbook tutorials.   Our 2019 Edition uses .NET 4.x and .NET 4.8 which is still supported by Microsoft for the foreseeable future on Windows 10/11.  Java is the primary language used in the AP: Computer Science Exam.

For the absolute beginner, we still offer our award-winning Computer Bible Games For Microsoft Small Basic textbook tutorial is also available for beginning programmers of all ages!

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